Your community for the best in roleplay

Come tell your story with us!

We are a developer owned and operated roleplay community. We offer a safe place for people to roleplay in general, from FiveM to Dungeons and Dragons we will grow our list of supported games as our community grows.  Our Fivem server offers ever-changing custom content, with active developers and constant updates to keep things feeling fresh and new. Our community is a great place to find your next D & D group as a DM looking for their players or as a player just looking to join an already established group. Come on in, have a seat and say hello. Welcome home.

Join our Discord

The first step is simply joining our Discord server. From there you can discover all the information you need. Be sure and stop by the general-ooc channel and tell everyone "Hello". We can't wait to see you there and get to hear the stories you create.


Community Support  

You are welcome to come get to know everyone and tell your stories without any obligation. For those that can we have set up a Patreon (with perks of course) for this purpose. All donations go 100% to server costs and to pay for development.



FiveM Features
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What makes our city different from the thousands of other cities available for your time spent on FiveM?

Well mostly passion, hard work and love of the game... but if that's not your thing we have custom in-house created content, from add-on weapons to MLOs for our custom shops, plus our scripts are all custom or based on a QBCore framework that we have been developing and modifying for over two years now. 

 We also optimize heavily. Oh we do have import vehicles and those additional clothing items, but we check anything for quality and optimization before giving it a green light.

On that note, we also won't charge you $100+ for 1 of 1 vehicle with more polygons than an entire city block only to wipe the database altogether 2 months later after noticing that the server runs terribly with all the $100 high polygon cars we stuck in it.
No we keep our support tiers low priced, we are looking to cover the cost of the server, not buy a new car or pay off a mortgage with blood money. 


DnD Resources
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Find your dream team. Come in, network, share ideas, ask questions, discuss theories, share homebrew content, find members for your digital campaigns using roll20 or dnd beyond(or beyond20).

Once we started running our own D&D campaign as staff and streaming it live it was obvious that there are a ton of people out there who want to play D&D, but can't because of lack of a group to play with or social anxiety in general making it hard for them to find a group or a DM.

Welcome to the Electric Roleplay community. We offer a safe place to come in and put those feelers out there to find the right group for your gaming pleasure.

We  offer voice chat rooms for DM's, with campaign tags for their players giving you a private "invite only" place to communicate(because we all know roll20's voicechat is bad) and play out your campaign with no worries. 

Come on in and join the fun. 



Electric Roleplay



About Us

Electric Roleplay is a community of individuals who have a passion for gaming and roleplaying in general. Our goal is to provide a safe place for people from all walks of life who share the joy of RPG's, be they tabletop or in the digital world. We exist off of donations by our community and all proceeds go towards server costs and development costs.